I finally got back into the pool two weeks ago.
I only made it in water twice in the last 12 months.
First lap; ok.
Turn around, second lap; ok.
Now I’m feeling a little winded.
I had to stop and rest every few laps.
Eighteen minutes into it I was ready to quit.
Then I remembered, that my
competition is against the little voice inside that wants me to quit.
I’m stronger than that voice.
I’ve heard it before and didn’t quit.
I wasn’t going to quit this time.
I thought of a bible verse.
We don’t wrestle with
flesh and blood, but with spiritual forces. Ephesians 6:12
I pressed on.
In 30 minutes I managed to get in over a quarter mile with
lots of rest breaks.
Not great but I did it.
Two days later I was back at the pool, wondering could I
even get in a quarter mile?
15 minutes into the swim I was almost at a quarter mile.
35 minutes later I made half a mile.
I got in a 20 mile ride Saturday and a 15 mile trail run
Only made it to the pool once so far this week for another
half mile.
I’m getting more nervous as I get closer and closer to my
next PSA test next week.
I know there is nothing I can do to change it.
I try to give it up to God.
What will be, will be.
If it comes back...
Well, no need to go there.
I‘m not going to let my mind be consumed by what-ifs.
Hike in Napa today.
Trial run in Auburn tomorrow.
Maybe pictures to follow?