Wednesday, June 11, 2014

da Vinci

I have a date.
July 30, 2014.
I'll be having a RRP or Robotic Radical Prostatectomy.
My urologist/oncologist will cut out my entire prostate using a da Vinci surgical robot.
It may take up to 4 hours and I should only have to spend one night in the hospital.

I'm glad to have a date nailed down but it also makes it seem all the more real to me.
At first I was thinking that with the later date of July 30 I would run the SF marathon on July 27.
After a little thought I figured, why?
Just because I signed up for it in January?
There is absolutely no need to make my body recover from a 26 mile run AND surgery all in the same week.
I'll save my strength for the surgery recovery.
The SF marathon also has an option to run the first half or second half, so I'll just run the first half at an easy pace.

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