Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Not much to really update on.
Surgery is still a long ways off (July 30) so I'm just trying to stay fit and healthy.
Running about 30 miles a week.
Getting in a few bike rides here and there.
Working out in our home/garage gym most days.
Eating organic whole foods, fruits and vegetables with a little fish and chicken.
Juicing 2-4 times a day to ramp up the enzymes and nutrients.
No processed foods. (Bread, pasta, cereal, crackers, chips, cookies…)
Reading about cancer and prostate cancer while trying not to obsess over it.
It sure is wonderful being a teacher with summers off!
I am amazed at all the prayer, positive thoughts, and support I'm getting.
Please keep it up. It gives me strength.
I need that strength for the times when I can't find it.
And so I continue…
I won't back down.
I won't give up.

Thanks for the reminder Harr!

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