Wednesday, September 10, 2014


My big news??? 
I ran 3.5 miles today!
My Dr. said I could start running 6 weeks after surgery and it’s been 6 weeks since surgery.
I wasn’t sure if I’d even be able to run to the end of the street.
My neighbor, Greg ran with me.  We did 1 mile and I felt pretty good so we ran a second mile. 
No pain.  No soreness. No incontinence.
I decided to throw on an extra half mile before I went home.
Ok... so you figured, 1 + 1 + ½ = 2½  not 3½
My friend Annette ran over to see if she could find us out running the neighborhood.  She stopped at my house about 10 minutes after I finished my run.  Since I wanted her to partake in this special return to running day, I ran her back to her house, then home again for 1 more mile.
I felt like I could have continued for at least a couple more miles, but I’ll take it easy for now.
I’m in no rush to get to my next marathon.

I look at my 6 weeks off from running as...  In the words of the great runner, Jessica Karkoski Strack, “... an opportunity for me to have an epic comeback.”

1 comment:

Heather Scott Partington said...

SO great! I was thinking about you yesterday. Glad it was a good run.