Wednesday, December 30, 2015

OUCH! Pop, pop, pop, snap, crackle, pop, pop, pop, pop

I tore my distal bicep tendon on Andrea's birthday so we had the pleasure of spending a few hours in urgent care waiting for the Dr. to tell me what I pretty much already knew.  I need to get a MRI.

By the looks of it, how it feels, and how it happened, I'm guessing surgery within a week (If they ever call to schedule the MRI).  Then a few weeks in a cast or brace, a few months of PT, and maybe sometime around April or May I'll be able to resume cycling and swimming.  

The question is...  Do I plan on Ironman Coeur d'Alene, or do I cancel?  

I'll wait until after I see the orthopedist to make that decision.  So, for now, I'm in a holding pattern.

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